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  1. Speeder 2

    South China Sea:India to continue exploration.

    A very good move, India of "81" ! :rofl: cuz India is one step closer to, in fact almost there, being "man-handled" by some of the PLA hawks who are eagerly looking for a pretest. Unlike the complete humiliation of 1962, when the day comes the severe post-mutilation psycho trauma PLA gonna...
  2. Speeder 2

    China may go to war with Vietnam to shore up support: Russian media

    For various reasons I'll be the first to voice opposition against any major war with Vietnam just for war's sake. I don't care Phi. The smartest move China should make IMOO should be to use marine corp to surprise-attack both Phi and Viet-controlled tiny islands/reefs in South China Sea...
  3. Speeder 2

    China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

    First of all, I must admit that I LOVE the word "Megaton". It sounds like some fancy nicknames from Transformers II. awesome! :lol: Kudos to Martians 2 for his discovery for this magic word. :rofl: I’d advice Chinese Defence Ministry Spokesman take "Megaton" as his middle name, for...
  4. Speeder 2

    India’s aircraft carrier ambitions take a dive

    What a surprise....NO! Has any Indian shipbuilding company, public or private, has built an “indigenous” ship, military or civilian, on it own ( counting also those with all the key equipments imported), that is at the similar class or much less, say more than 20,000 tons that...
  5. Speeder 2

    China starts "combat ready" patrols in disputed seas

    A VERY GOOD NEWS! Thank you! China will send 50 large vessels filled with concrete to rescue the vessel in question as we speak... Chinese rescue ships will pour the concrete around the vessel to build a preliminary artificial island and a large-sized pier in order to start rescue...
  6. Speeder 2

    The new SAC 5 generation stealth fighter

    A newly leaked foto of F-60: Look at that thick neck! And the wide wing span! woot:
  7. Speeder 2

    With China on mind, India steps up Latin America diplomacy

    Anyone can buy, as along as having some money. The key here is what India can SELL? As I raised earlier, barely anything, "the tale of 0" included.
  8. Speeder 2

    With China on mind, India steps up Latin America diplomacy

    It starts to look like a circus. I bet Hugo and Raul will look at Krishna with bewildered faces, thinking “que cojones que queres decir?” :rofl: what off topic? you 're off the topic! The question was: what Krishna has to offer to SA? The story of "0"?
  9. Speeder 2

    With China on mind, India steps up Latin America diplomacy

    Chile, Cuba and Venezuela etc South America countries are very rich in natural resources. All of these countries have per cap income far higher than India. What SA countries need are mostly high quality industrial and consumer products with fair prices which Made-in-China is the...
  10. Speeder 2

    DRDO, Army working on futuristic artillery gun

    I think you've overestimated DRDO's IQ. Typical DRDO works as such: IF the past and present performance of DRDO is any indication, in 2028 when DRDO fails to developed 'advanced artillery", it will announce to the world DRDO decides to quit "advanced artillery" BUT to work on "more advanced"...
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