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  1. Speeder 2

    If Indians Are So Smart, Then Where Are The Indian Googles, iPads and Viagr

    Wrong! it should be very very doubt.:rofl: Indians have average IQ of 82 - fact!
  2. Speeder 2

    If Indians Are So Smart, Then Where Are The Indian Googles, iPads and Viagr

    :rofl: obviously the "Korean" just got his daily curry fix, alongwith a "cola", of course. They didn't say that most of Start-ups of SV, particularly dodgy India ones failed. Most successful venture in teh SV are not of Indians. The increasing presence of Indians in SV since the last...
  3. Speeder 2

    Jeremy Lin: His Impact On Changing The Perception Of The Asian American Mal

    Jeremy Lin is a relative of Harvard Physicist Steve Hsu who self-identifies as Taiwanese and American and a proud Chinese (with both grandpas came from Zhejiang province, China), who currently participates in the biggest genetics project in the world on Human Intelligence led by Shenzhen's BGI...
  4. Speeder 2

    Jeremy Lin: His Impact On Changing The Perception Of The Asian American Mal

    I’ve spent little time here in the forum lately and dunno if you’re genuine from Taiwan or is only a false flagger. So assume that you’re the former. That being said, there’s no more pathetic thing than calling yourselves Taiwanese here in the thread with the intention...
  5. Speeder 2

    MMRCA Rafale And Cancellation Threats

    this is the standard op mode of morons when being called out for stupidity of their claims while having no sound argument points.
  6. Speeder 2

    MMRCA Rafale And Cancellation Threats

    An Indian joke LCA that is. Before you brag it to the Mars, first let’s see if this “3++ gen Mig-21” could pass the India’s minimum qualification (i.e. test pilots’ fear factor) in order to be inducted, ever. Asia’s best? Again, Indian shameless...
  7. Speeder 2

    India’s Mars exploration mission by Oct

    of course, as usual and as expected, 82 IQ indians are trolling their own supposed "glorifying" thread, while my controlled reasoning has been met with ad hominem attack, only - a further evidence of intellectual capacity of Indians. if you think i wrote that much for the sake of you lot...
  8. Speeder 2

    India’s Mars exploration mission by Oct

    This news is hitting European media now... which led me here Obviously this joke becomes a source of fake pride of many Indians. But as a guy whose tax $ is funding this stupid white elephant project, I feel outraged! Yes, the EU donates hundreds of millions of aids euro to India...
  9. Speeder 2

    India decides to fight back aggressive China

    That’s the inclusive proof of what too many bottles of cow piss could do to an Indian Australoid. :woot: With ¼ of the population have never known till this movement what is called electricity, close to half of the all children being severely mal nutritious on the edge of...
  10. Speeder 2

    Many hits, a few misses for DRDO

    Oke, all those missile "successes" are either "Designed-in, with turn-key components Made by Russia, Paid and Painted by India", or just computer simulated “trials” except some museum-old tech of 60's. Many hits?! :rofl: Surely if you look at Indian national rape statistics (if...
  11. Speeder 2

    Russia's dreams come true in India with Putin's help

    r u serious?? Man, what you people read in India? poor thing...
  12. Speeder 2

    Russia's dreams come true in India with Putin's help

    :rofl: do you have any clue on how an engine is made? Only 5 UNSC countries can make a working turbofan engine. China currently is the worst of the 5. Nonetheless WS-10 series still count. India manufactures AF-31? :rofl: Even technological giants such as Japan and Germany can’t do...
  13. Speeder 2

    Russia's dreams come true in India with Putin's help

    No, you no-brainer. "peaceful" is right that >99% of china did NOT reform a single bit until after 1991. 1. At the start of 80's China started to setup SEZ- 4 tiny cities at its coastline to have a "trial" with combined population of less than 5 million people. ---> hence China's official...
  14. Speeder 2

    Russia's dreams come true in India with Putin's help

    Russia's dream comes true - year end fat bonus, yeah! :lol: Putin's "strategic" relationship with India is as strategic as my "strategic"relationship with ATM machines, specially at Xmas season! :rofl:
  15. Speeder 2

    three hero dies for chinese aviation industry in one month

    why under big pressure = heart attack? why not sudden high fever, etc? why 3 on 3 different projects? why not 3 on 1 project? ... many many questions...
  16. Speeder 2

    three hero dies for chinese aviation industry in one month

    R.I.P.! Ans they all die of aheart attack! All on the most important mil projects China is engaging! And all within one month! What's the odd of that, one wonders.
  17. Speeder 2

    China - The world's hotbed of innovation?

    What? Roman Empire >>>> Han Dynasty? :rofl: You people need to call Siegecrossbow over as it seems that he argues a lot along the line in Sinodenfence . It is unquestionable that Qin Dynasty, let alone more powerful Han, was leagues ahead of its Roman Empire counterpart in almost all...
  18. Speeder 2

    India beats China in UK

    it's marketing thing. in Holland, all the Indian restaurants are called "Indian-Chinese restaurat XXX", and most Indonesian restautants are called "Indonesian-Chinese restaurant YYY"...
  19. Speeder 2

    Y-20 taxi and first flight

    I wonder why transporters are not armed with some type of machine guns? It could afford it. It seems that it'll be quite handy if have one, so that at least it could serve as a form of minimum self -defence under special circumstances instead of, what, open the back door and shoot with...
  20. Speeder 2

    India beats China in UK

    1, Calling Chicken Tikka Massala the British national dish , along with the title “India beat China in UK”, is quite consistent with Time of India’s notorious reporting style and reputation. 2, Most “Real” Brits I know of are still considering the smell of curry...
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