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  1. Speeder 2

    Henry Kissinger a former foe who now roots for India

    now i see why he roots for India and why Indians here root for him. they're made for each other? tx.
  2. Speeder 2

    SU 30 crashed near Jaisalmer

    :rofl: i thought their defence chief antony had claimed that the pilot accidentally touched Terrain Hugging button.
  3. Speeder 2

    Ballistic Missile Defence system to be tested in May

    i guess the whole Asia will be seeking shelters in May as no one knows for sure where it would end up... :lol:
  4. Speeder 2

    SU 30 crashed near Jaisalmer

    yeah yeah... are the mig-21s almost gone?
  5. Speeder 2

    India must be Russia’s number one priority

    A dumb customer is always the best customer. Being the best customer of China in overall trade, India should, and must, remain the best customer for both Russia and UK/US, too, on the front of defence biz. If india were Buddhist then the Saudis would be christian.
  6. Speeder 2

    China All Su-35 news

    NO, SCMP is not anti-china per se, but just a tabloid paper particualrly on defence-related dings.
  7. Speeder 2

    China All Su-35 news

    :hitwall: no more news on buying Tu-22M? No Su-33? or next week? next month? :hitwall: c'mon it's no fun any more. some mod pls lock this weekly troll thread. :hitwall:
  8. Speeder 2

    CERN wants more Indian scientists, engineers

    On science, you talk using in't peer-reviewed journals stats, only. Clear? on social issues, most if not all main stream media (CBS, ABC, BBC, CNN, NYT, WSJ, Forbes, NEwsweek, etc, etc) are liberal, which publish nothing other than either straight lies or rubbish misquotes and hearsays...
  9. Speeder 2

    CERN wants more Indian scientists, engineers

    Nowadays a liberal mass media tool such as Forbes is pure rubbish, worse than worthless toilet paper to be frank. If you want to quote, quote peer-reviewed int'l science journals for stats. Anything else is rubbish on topic of science. Heck even them have tried to avoid political hot...
  10. Speeder 2

    CERN wants more Indian scientists, engineers

    NO. Chinese doctors and engineers are known for their hard work around the world; while Indian doctors and engineers are known for their hard work within India and world's liberal mass media diversity fantasy in which everyone have the same potential. On topic: 1. Heuer was...
  11. Speeder 2

    ‘Kiran Effect’ gets world’s attention

    As we're at the ‘Presence of alternate versions of reality’, it's no ‘Kiran Effect’, but ‘DRTROLL Effect’, ‘ISTROLL Effect’... and entire `Indian Effect`, if PDF is of any guide. :hitwall:
  12. Speeder 2

    Antony urges Russia to induct Brahmos missile in its armed forces

    that's why sometimes you gotta envy those ruskies :hitwall: , at least those in the defence sector, that they are not bad at all (in Chinese standard) on sales & marketing. even armani or hugo boss alike could take a page from their book. then, of course, not everyone are lucky enough like...
  13. Speeder 2

    Antony urges Russia to induct Brahmos missile in its armed forces

    come again? :rofl: Are you remotely aware that you're replaying exactly the other half of the joke in the OP: This Antonio is so beyond redeem that he's comsumed his own delusion that painting sth on top is equal to co-development technically, to the point that he really starts to believe...
  14. Speeder 2

    Antony urges Russia to induct Brahmos missile in its armed forces

    :lol: if you meant in 2079, it perhaps would be the EU instead of France.
  15. Speeder 2

    Antony urges Russia to induct Brahmos missile in its armed forces

    In the same vein of logic Antony must urge that France Air Force to induct LCA, too, to "share the fruits of co-development" just because the Frenchies did the pricinpal design of LCA decades ago in the beginning... :rofl: The Ruskie defence chief should respond to Antony "Shut up...
  16. Speeder 2

    Antony urges Russia to induct Brahmos missile in its armed forces

    :rofl: what a fool is that Antony, say? That's a very correct observation!:tup: Brahmos is the low end of Yakhont series.
  17. Speeder 2

    How India is preparing to counter the China threat

    India had never been technologically superior to China. The right word is "equipped" - India was far superiorly equipped (with arms from both the Ruskies and Yankees in 1962, just as today) than China in 1962.
  18. Speeder 2

    Gwadar: Can India Checkmate China? – Analysis

    go to make a chart of gdp (nominal) India vs China in 1991 ------ they were neck to neck similar! Being the lapdog of BOTH USSR AND USA, India had ALL the time in the world to do manufacturing since 1947! But why India kept still until 1991?? Answer: to copy/paste China's national...
  19. Speeder 2

    No likelihood of war with China but India must strengthen its defence

    :rofl: India is anything but Buddhist. California or British Columbia is perhaps 100X more Buddhist than India. Time to give it a rest the myth of "Buddhist" India. If India were anything remote to Buddhist, then Morroco would be Christian.
  20. Speeder 2

    Meteor hit Russian with force of 30 Hiroshima bombs

    how is that possible that the Ruskie "forgot" India?? With its "ICBM" such as Agni 5 or 6,and "anti-this, anti-that" "futuristic" missile programmes by DRTROLL and ISTROLL, surely India deserves some mentioning here, a footnote at least? :lol:
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