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  1. Speeder 2

    Why aren't Chinese students at UK universities getting top degrees?

    The OP is bullshit. End of. It's like questioning why Blacks are not getting top rankings in Tracks and Fields by showing the rankings of 1 dozen Afro High Jump participants in the heats of 19th Common Wealth Games... :lol: It requires a ridiculous amount of leaps of faiths coming to that...
  2. Speeder 2

    India, Russia may build supercomputer to rival China's Tianhe-2

    where they got the confidence? Ruskies have just been sanctioned hence a bit tight now...so they decide to make a roadkill itching towards their Rupee ATM, as usual. As for the indians, my educated guess is that Modi's wish to equip indian homes with toilets for the 1st time in history ( if...
  3. Speeder 2

    Superpower envoys comparison (for nuclear talks) in Netherlands

    3. Xi Jinping’s envoy arrived at central Amsterdam for Statebanquet: 4. Xi Jinping’s envoy passed through central Amsterdam (night time)after the Statebanquet: (the first part of the vid , the daytime part, was the envoy of Dutch King Willem-Alexander) 5. Xi Jinping’s envoy in...
  4. Speeder 2

    Superpower envoys comparison (for nuclear talks) in Netherlands

    1. Obama’s US Delegation Envoy passed by Noordwijk: 2. Xi Jinping’s Chinese Delegation Envoy towards its Noordwijk hotel:
  5. Speeder 2

    Putin in Crimea independence speech: We thanks Chinese people

    Many in the press say that on Ukraine matter the US plays poker, the Russkies play chess while the Chinese play Weiqi. False. The Chinese play Weiqi, right. The Russians play only reactionary Chess, while the US is playing good and old Divide & Conquer on top of primitve poker bluffing, as...
  6. Speeder 2

    India and China agree to co-operate on IT

    India's software? :rofl: name one? India's software = 81. fact. it's like the US finally recognised Somalia's intellectual capabiltiy , and in return for Somalia's software, the US decides to exchange Boeing 777 tech knowhow for the exchange. bollocks of Milky Way proportion. The heads of...
  7. Speeder 2

    Beijing bound Air Malaysia flight loses contact

    of course the media is low iQ. it never asks why? it always takes what it's told by its source/s for granted at its face value.
  8. Speeder 2

    Beijing bound Air Malaysia flight loses contact

    Here are my conclusions based on what i see so far from the low IQ world media: 1. it is impossible, IMPOSSIBLE, in today's modern world that a jumbojet like Boeing 777 could disappear without a trace. Utterly utterly Impossible! don't even try telling this funny lie. The US sats can...
  9. Speeder 2

    Opinionated - China Chipping Away to Semiconductor Dominance

    My 2 cents, not an expert on semicon though: Simply due to population size, Samsung of S Korea just can’t compete with the leading firms from the US, China, the EU and Japan in the long run. Intel, or other world leading US high tech firms in general, enjoys a decisive systematic advantage...
  10. Speeder 2

    China plays down Indian opposition leader’s border remarks

    10 years later when citizens of 3 dozens Republics in South Asia look at the short history of a country called "India" in retrospect, most of them would agree that MM Singh was in fact the greatest PM that India had, since at least he was educated by Oxbridge... at least during his terms India...
  11. Speeder 2

    India Sub Crew Burned Beyond Recognition; 3 Bodies Found

    With the history of Hindu navy in mind, I was initially under the impression that perhaps the sub had landed on a Mumbai high street this time, but obviously I was wrong after finished reading the OP. One thing still puzzles me though that "two persons are missing"...? So two are missing...
  12. Speeder 2

    Busting the myth of "British Railway Gift" and other gifts to India

    1. good so. 2. relevant. your prob is that you equate all caucasoid to european/whites. 3. it's historically evident that the invading dravidians interbreeded with australoid in southern india after they conquered the latter. so many modern day "dravidians" do have some australoid admixture...
  13. Speeder 2

    Busting the myth of "British Railway Gift" and other gifts to India

    A real German-Italian mix, unlike some self-claimed obvious false flaggers on this forum. :lol:
  14. Speeder 2

    Busting the myth of "British Railway Gift" and other gifts to India

    Basically true, but there’re some cases where an ethnic group speaks a (main) language other than their racial/ethnic own, because they were conquered at some point in history hence have started by force to speak the language of their conquerors who were not their racial kins. E.g. Both Hindi...
  15. Speeder 2

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    Thanks for citing those papers. The first 1999 paper is the key, the famous root of “South-to-North migration” theory. However, all of these papers admit that: it’s still “controversial”, “been debating for debates”, this is only “1 out of total 3 models”... This shows that it is a proposed...
  16. Speeder 2

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    Happy Chinese New Year to you ALL!!! It doesn’t disprove what I argued though. The Han built the Great Wall which protected them from the other northern nomads. So from the reverse angle, because the Han didn’t want their lands, Mongols and Manchus survived. If Northern Han determined to...
  17. Speeder 2

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    Verita I am afraid that I can't agree with you: 1. There're countless "genetical graphs and analysis"on internet nowadays tell many "scientific stories". Most of them have questionable sources. Don't fall for them. While Cavalli-Sforza is kinda of famous (aka well-quoted), what he claims it's...
  18. Speeder 2

    India set to attain Nuclear triad capability within a month

    But isn´t it a lot easier for INS Arihant to drive up onto Mumbai beach before pressing the button? Anywayz, someone needs to get hold of George Clooney, and quickly. Seems that a ticking nuclear bomb is on the loose again...:lol:
  19. Speeder 2

    100% price escalation on Rafale fighter aircraft to Rs 1.75 lakh crore likely to dent IAF's strike c

    :rofl: I hope that you do realise the mathematical significance among 81, 100, and 105. :hitwall:
  20. Speeder 2

    China Conducts First Test of New Ultra-High Speed Missile Vehicle

    :rofl: so what? yeah right, i conducted testing myself on high jump targeting 6 metres many years ago... so what am I the Olympics champion of high jump then? or now? conducted tests =//= the tests were suceessful. In fact you had failed tests.
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