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  • The one that was blatantly personally attacking you with terrible demeaning language has been dealt with (for now). You did correct thing in reporting, I took it to GHQ because of the repetitive behaviour...and looks like it caught up with him. Take care dear and please keep posting your thoughts and opinions.
    Doing what I can to report the people continually attacking you in very nasty ways (Against forum rules). Just so you know its not being ignored by everyone. But we have to see what is done on it sadly.
    Hello, ma'am.

    I intend to start a online bookstore for which I need a tagline/slogan

    Which one is best among following?

    always and forever, brings your tales, order your tales, more tales the better, books are highlights, book your tales

    Ayo girl, we gettin married or what?

    I know you need that Muslim influence in your life. lol
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