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  • ungalukku facebook irukka? athuley yennai add pannunga. Its alot easier than using this chat.
    Athan vanthu, u notice I keep whacking Mumbai and Bollywood :D :D The Indian identity in Singapore, the Indian Singaporean identity, is a Tamil one. Deepavali is our national holiday here and that's the day Lord Krishna defeated Narakasura. That's how we like to keep it. NOT DIWALI! AND NOT BECAUSE RAM ENTERED AYODHYA! We will never accept it and we won't bow down to these invaders demanding we accept it.

    Tamils are always welcome in our land. All my ancestors are Tamil, same for my fellow Indian Singaporeans. My earliest ancestors came in shortly after the country was founded. My last ancestor who left India was my grandfather and he was from Thanjavur and he was no Hindi-speaking North Indian. He was Tamil. Those Hindi fellows can come in if they like, but the language and culture, we want no part of it.
    But it's not the same with your Hindi fellers who are coming in as IT execs and engineers and are demanding Hindi to replace Tamil over here in our country. It is the Hindi fellows who are pissing off the locals here. Bro, neenga oru vishayam marakka koodaathu. Hindi and India as a whole, athu unga naadu, unga culture. Ours over here is Tamil. Just because Tamils are second class over there in India does not mean we here in Singapore will play second fiddle to these Shahrukh khans flooding our country.

    I'm telling you this in PM because there is no point highlighting this over the main forum. That will lead to some new trolling at their end. I'll explain more to you. Do read this first and give me your comments.

    Please do not be offended though. I was never thinking of you when I made those comments. You have to understand, ungalai poruthavaraikkum, neengalum, avangalum orey naadu. Yengalukku, neenga verai, avanga verai.
    Namm tamilans are coming in mostly as contract laborers. Those are the fellows we actually like, because they are very well-behaved, respectful and nammakooda olunga pazhaguvaanga. I've worked with some of them before back then when i used to do part time security shifts for pocket money during uni days. I used to get deployed at worksites and I met alot of these Tamil guys. All good chaps. I've helped them settle in, get their EP done and likewise they have shown kindness by buying us food and drinks when we are working together. On their limited pay, they have shown generosity. In other words, avanunga namma aalunga thaan.
    Munbu intha kovam satthiyama illai thozha. It's actually a recent thing. Yenna vishayamnu sonna, even back for a long time nanba, we used to have Indians coming to Singapore to live. Athu oru puthiya vishayamey illai. But difference is, it was always small groups of people, yellam vanthu Tamilnadukaaran, Tamizhan, namma maathiri. Many came to join their families here, some came here and married our boys and girls, yellam vanthu otrumaiya irunthom.

    Singapore government saw this could work and recently avanunga started bringing in plenty of people from China and India. Seri, India-vil irunthu aalunga kondu vanthaa pirachanaiye illai. But NOT from the wrong parts! Yellamey vanthu Hindikaara nainga vanthu ukkanthu irukku ingey! Bro thats where the whole problem is starting!
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