"Even Quran give us example of prophet's that informed their people about future events. Like Yusuf (as) which predicted the future of those two guys in the jail (chapter 12). Or prophet Jesus (as) tells his people aout Ghaib. These are in Quran too."
Those are *special* cases specified by Quran. Whereas, in Prophet mohammed's case and everybody else's, Quran *clearly* says he has no knowledge of the Unseen and is just like any other human being. Only he being the messenger over whom Koran (God's words) was revealed.
Those are *special* cases specified by Quran. Whereas, in Prophet mohammed's case and everybody else's, Quran *clearly* says he has no knowledge of the Unseen and is just like any other human being. Only he being the messenger over whom Koran (God's words) was revealed.