TOPGUN Apr 1, 2009 Haha fox np u tell her there is no hard feelings here enjoy your stay and hope u both can be friends boss !
Haha fox np u tell her there is no hard feelings here enjoy your stay and hope u both can be friends boss !
TOPGUN Mar 26, 2009 Fox boss Hira is like my sis and she has been here way before you so then how can she copy your avater? anyhow i hope your both can be friends and resolve this issue ! thx TOPGUN>>>>
Fox boss Hira is like my sis and she has been here way before you so then how can she copy your avater? anyhow i hope your both can be friends and resolve this issue ! thx TOPGUN>>>>
umeed alam Mar 25, 2009 Hi! Im a student of software eng. what 's ur occupation? How did u find that forum?