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  • Enigma paa jee, long time no see? not posting?

    Busy with operation rah-e-raast?? hehe
    I read your posts in the partition of india thread.....you know enigma,in the midst i realised something-the pakistanis always hold their well known freedom fighters like syed ahmed or jinnah with highest regard ,but the same cant be said bout us,indians...like many of us(mostly bengalis,and also many others),to a certain point hate some known leaders like nehru or gandhi-they are hated for their wrong steps and also some stupid ideologies,like if gandhi hadn't put off the mass revolt in 1922,we wd have been independent earlier....hell,we hate the non-violence bullshit,why wd i lick the foot of someone who kicked our arses for a few centuries,he even was known for his anti-netaji mentality,everyone knows why netaji resigned as the president of congress,nehru forced him to leave india,and even conspired to kill him(widely speculated theory)...yes, we do hate this leaders and the ones who play religion based politics...we love netaji,for his bravery ,his greatness,his secularityTHnx
    what what up champ - man we need some of your - stuff in that - hopeless romatic thread . lol you have all the garam masala. lol - cheers
    Hey enigma! You were talking about the USB internet in Pakistan.

    Could you give me some details? Is it 7000/Month? Any details will be appreciated. Thank you.

    Thanks for your appreciation of my post on your recent thread "Why Pakistan is in trouble?"

    Take care..
    thankyou..well I was wondering if I'm admirable for anything at all....other than being a clone of a notorious troll:P
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