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  • Respect doesn't comes through your profession, sir. It's how you do that job.
    Well i m with you against Miss16 not because i m an A (which i m not), but coz it has gone further to Boys Vs Gals!! ;)
    Me being in the military doesn't qualify me as a hunter! :)
    You both may take As to task but i m outta it....
    No sectarian and creed issues!!
    But i wish Miss16 makes it back alive...khee khee khee!!
    i am guud Alhamdolilla!
    Well guess what...i m in the military!
    (this saad dude is going to give me though time ;))
    hey dude h r u??
    Well me was kinda busy, stilll am, would be joining you next months.OK.
    BTW whts the msn thread?
    Yes i also hav.
    Whts ur opinion bout long march? will u include it in politics or fovour tht it is a movement as the lawyerz claim?
    waiting when will classes start
    infact when v r free then v think 4 work n its quite natural.
    Isn't it?
    It meanz she is a girl.
    How do u spend ur time?
    When i had 2 get admission then i waited 4 tht desperately.
    I understand.
    R u in pakistan now a days?
    try 2 trust.im conversating wid any1 on this forum 2nd time n ilover doesnt know any thing bout me bcoz i hav never conversated wid her.
    when i again checked tht then i came to know of tht blunder n then after few days thought to talk wid u.

    Its ok doesn't matter.
    I hope tht it will not happen in future?
    Bythe way gulz can also study engineering n now there r gulz in all fields.
    N u'll b getting amazed i had asked bout ur mailing address.
    Infact it was all due to a big blunder.there were many sites for project n i had 2 get the mailing addresss of a programmer.i instead of typing in tht field accedentally written in ur visitor messages.
    MANY SORRIES 4 tht but its not my fault.
    Hope tht u'll not mind.
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