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  • So much is happening in global arena...big players are busy in acquiring their unchallenged dominance over others countries assets. When it comes to Pakistan....it's just about sincere leadership...we'll excel when we'll have it.

    Yes...silence is better where words would add fuel to the matter...and these days its hard to convince other people who are not on the same page as you are or not tuned in to the frequency to which you're tuned in...difference of opinion is common these days...everyone is cling to his/her belief & seem reluctant to quit
    Salams brother,

    Hope all is well. Yaar I'm no where but WAPDA these days has made my presence on PDF limited and I should not talk about PTCL and their pathetic service of DSL. The problem is whenever the light goes my internet goes too even though there's UPS and Generators at home. I've never had this problem before but it's been 2-weeks I'm into this. I keep complaining to PTCL, the DSL personnel put things on linemen's shoulder and the linemen don't know a jack about DSL and it's problem. I've no other alternative whatsoever to replace my DSL line. I'm going to get hold onto a PTCL EVO as a test drive to see how it goes at my place.

    Anyway, what about you dear, how is everyone at home? It's a pleasant day here in Peshawar today with some heavy rains and the coulds are still on the sky...

    Take care of yourself
    you're right, I'm sorry I wrote that, I was extremely frustrated today, someone on the street called me a "****mist" when they found out I was a Muslim (I was in a "Palestinian rights" rally in Manhattan), & it really pissed me off.
    Yaar sorry, had a rough day. Listening to all the western media focus on suicide bombings, Muslim extremism & stuff is really hurting my brain. It's an extremely hard time to be a Pakistani Muslim in America right now, even when one is an American citizen. Please don't mind my comments, it's hard to be away from Pakistan, from loved ones, & keep hearing this everyday on TV, on the internet.

    actually, i'm a silent reader here on PDF but whenever, i feel i need to voice my feelings i share my views with people around like yourself. i'll definitely be in touch you people to enlighten myself.

    I asked him to do so , as having one thread for it will actually do more damage to our cause. Multiple threads every now and then is a better idea.
    i agree with you, but i think they deleted that thread because it was useless, not for everyone, but for most ppl it was useless.
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