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Abu Zolfiqar
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  • I was thinking that we who support PTI should change our avatars to PTI logo, IK pics or whatever we like, maybe agree upon one picture as our avatar ? what you say?
    im good bro...hows life in DC?

    Abt the truck ... well sold it........... And nowaday im lookin for a sports bike... How abt ur benz... still rockin the town with the sick sound system of urs?
    lol What makes you think I'm not making money?

    or is it that those who make money can't have a lil chit-chat?

    BTW, I'm glad that PDF happened to me after 2009 or else HBS would never have happened.

    ...I'm so prone to addictions! lol
    Life is life, though i would not mind to be rid of the power outages and the prices soaring every month.
    It seems we are aiming for a flat 100 PKR rate for everything.
    Be it dollar, petrol, diesel, electricity...etc.

    Still, Allah has been very kind so far and expecting the same in future, inshallah.

    All this time and i did not realize you were not on my friends list.
    Thanks for the invite bro.

    hello..how are you?i got banned a month ago ....back now and ready to patrol again
    all is well that ends well
    Hey Abu Zolfiqar.
    I try to remain as civil as possible but honestly, look at the people i answer to.
    And i assure you, i am Israeli. :)
    Hey, how do we start threads on PDF? Because I've tried doing that, but haven't figured out how to do that.
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