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  • chops3d what was your grandfather doing in Bangladesh in the first place?

    And divya its ok I know how these pakistanis act. And there are good and bad people from every country so its better i dont generalize everyone
    im not apologising you for fear of getting banned, just pure good will, and i know u r good friendly type of member, i dont mind bannings, will get here another way million ways
    @ sammi, and sammi my maternal grand father was killed by muktis he was a common civilian but a well educated guy not even an army guy, had known no pak army guys, they took him from his home and od knows what happened, we dont even know where his grave is, still i dont generalise have no grudge against bangladeshi individuals, only you bangali racists annoy me on forum, i have many well natured and bengladeshis frnds and we are like brothers.

    go outsude your room and find this beautiful world u live in without hatred
    well i again say my joke had nothing to do with you, i did typing mistake, i was in humor mood, so couldnt resist,i was typing fast was little sleepy, this all turned up badly and you called me names too, but still nothing against you as i did the stupid mistake first... and no im not sexist just to clarify that
    sorry I cannot send messages due to my post count. However I'll repeat what posted on another thread. My father and his brothers and nephews were all trained by the Indian army in 71' and took refugee for 15 something years in West Bengal. I'll never hold a grudge against India or Indians. I appreciate everything India has done to intervene in 71. I however have some sort of grudge against pakistan as my cousins and uncles were murdered by the pak army.
    im sorry it was a typo mistake, i actually meant ganga not you, i forgote to mention it, i just noticed it
    well thats actaully good,

    Nietzsche said "In Heaven all the interesting people are missing."

    so i'll actaully like it...
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