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  • ana fil bait-- ala sareer-- tahawal naom :)
    ap sunao-- papers ya valentine- kahan zayada dil lagaya kal? :P

    imran bhai full tun hein is time-- unko na chero :P
    yehi kaam 5 minutes pehle kar detay to kya hota - abhi post edit ki jab sab baat khatum ho gayi

    come on facebook
    continued to last message>>>

    For example you know how we declare something is haram?

    First we refer to the Holy Qur'an - if certain thing is written there - its haram without two opinions

    then if we don't find an answer to that we refer to Hadeeth... and see if Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W forbidden it and if its approved from the Saheeh Hadeeth usually it is regarded as forbidden for all Muslims. But if anything is not found in both places... it becomes a matter of discussion and you have to see whether it meets the basic principles set by Islamic Jurisprudence or not. I think its very complicated issue and should not be taken lightly. I personally believe if you want to celebrate do it otherwise don't celebrate nobody is forcing you to do so.

    If this was as simple as you see... i think not millions of Muslims would be celebrating this day like they do.... i am not going in to religious discussion for now - just touching the corner parts
    another member had also written samething

    i reported and WebMaster deleted his post

    you must understand that religion is not Maths class that you can solve questions by answering 2+2 =4

    Here you find opinion of different scholars based upon their thinking, ideologies and self believe. When you come to the Holy Qur'an you won't find anywhere that celebrating such events is forbidden. When you go to the Hadeeth - it wasn't forbidden either - but then if you see the basic principle of declaring things haram - i think by that logic i don't see anythign wrong in it.
    lol bro i can read your posts there too - no need to quote

    Read the first post again... and edit your post - no need to drag religion into discussion or Moderators will delete your post otherwise

    I think I am elder than you and Alhamdullilah I also have little knowledge about Islam. I know the opinion of all the scholars from different sects - but i am no mood to discuss this topic here for now

    will talk to you about this topic some other time - may be on facebook
    I did see that thread for couple of times but couldn't reply so far

    nice poem bro - keep up the good work and also that young revolutionist whose poetry you posted in the beginning of thread
    w salam, me fine..
    ap sunao..
    Pakistan k Mustaqbil-- Imtihaan kaisay ja rehay hien?
    dear sir/maam :)
    i will sure post pics if I ever visit the surroundings of that airport where f-16s are built (if i don't get caught wile taking photos :)
    Oh and i beleive you asked FreekiN about the person who was in his avatar.

    His name is carl sagan and he was an astronomer. He helped with the voygar and the viking missons.
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