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  • Assalam u alaikum.
    Must say, I love your threads and posts, they are much straight forward and patriotic.

    Allah Hafiz.
    Man you are asum i loved your model i have made a hell lot of models to but never got as much details as you got i dont know how you did it it looks like it was made by a machine it was so good i have saved those pics i hope you dont mind and they are not copy righted :p: and why not add a 3 ch servers in it with a brushless motor to fly it and again you did a terific job sir hands down
    hey what do you mean by that?

    "After reading all your lines, it remind me Russel Crowe and Ed Harris movie, A Beautiful mind."
    Thanks. I'll take a look and see if I can offer anything.

    "S2...need your opinion in ATGM thread..."

    Can you send me a link to the thread? I looked a bit but can't find it off-hand. Thanks.

    well Joshi ji links you forward me very entertaining, but lingo and discussion far and away from seriousness.
    Hey Man!

    Former elite member, How are you? Been reading a lot of your posts lately. You sure bring a lot of information for us including news articles. Keep up the great work!

    Haider, sir, you have raised some very interesting issues in reply to my question, i will reply to you tommorow inshallah, as i am running out of time, hope you donot mind, inshallah, tommorow, i will continue with my reply of your post:-)
    Came across some good posts from yourself.
    The mullah omar poster really made me laugh after seething with anger over what we are doing to our country.
    I sincerely hope we can reclaim our motherland from the thugs called Taliban.
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