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  • Say you give me something, you know, something under the table.
    Sir g what you want
    Alright, sorry, my bad. But what were your point of views?
    Just out of curiousity, you are from Karachi and how do you see it?
    AoA sir,
    Can I know why were my posts delted about MQM relations in the blasts in Karachi? Sorry if they were harsh, I am sorry but thats my PoV.

    Dear T-Faz,

    I just realised what Webmaster had done, and am thunderstruck. This is a very rich honour and it is a mystery to me that you should collectively think me worth it. Now I have no excuse to write casual or unresearched notes, and shall try hard to live up to this huge compliment. I am grateful to all of you and hope never to let you down.

    In humility,

    Hi... thanks for thanking me but should you not be deleting the whore post - post # 206 - or at least warning the dude about the use of such language?
    AOA sir,
    Hope you are doing good.
    This guy is promoting Bharti defence forum, indirectly by leaving visitor messages to other members, which commes under Advertisment. Suggest appropriate action being taken and also he mentioned that it's 'same as defence.pk' which he meant to say is members. Can you feed me back on it? Does PDF have any merges similar to what he was saying?



    Ranting is prohibited
    A rant is a post which is long-winded, redundant and filled with angry, non-constructive comments. A free exchange of ideas is essential to building a strong sense of community and are helpful, but rants are disruptive and incite flaming and trolling. Please post your thoughts in a concise, clear manner and avoid going off on rambling tangents.

    Racist posts.
    No racist posts are allowed for obvious reasons.

    Trolling is prohibited.
    Trolling is the word used to describe a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting the members of the forum community. Posts of this nature are disruptive and do not convey a friendly attitude.

    Avoid using profanity.
    Using partial masking (such as asterisks or punctuation marks) to byp*** the profanity filter is prohibited and will result in the same action as if the actual word had been typed


    From a concerned member.

    Thanks! :)
    Please take action against individuals who are constantly harassing me particulary Spark, who keeps on fabricating and photoshopping posts against me.
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