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  • Hi My fiance and myself have shift in the same in the same building so we are sharing the internet connection by wifi within our local network. He wants to join PDF but our external IP will remain the same since we are sharing the connection via LAN. Can we do that?
    why the hell these guys like AJTR are allowed in the forum when they openly support terrrorism. If as indian is to say comments like "bound to happen" for some pakistan related blasts he will be banned right away. And sorry this is a duplicate id being truthful but could not resist this ......... saying nutty things when i have just got the news that someone related to me is seriously injured. Anyways if you think you can ban me.
    hey admin - I am new here - just wanna Know When can i start posting new thread >???????
    Dear Sir,

    I enjoy your posts and i must admit your moderation style is excellent and i do not wish to question that. However recently you have deleted a few of my posts with the reason "pointless" and yet certain members on this forum have free reign to carry on trolling.

    I do enjoy being a part of this vibrant community and sharing my opinions correct or otherwise with like-minded and liberal people, but with the removal of a post perhaps more feedback can be provided as to WHY the post was deleted.

    This would be beneficial for me to avoid such incidents in the long run...

    hi Sir,
    can you please do a favor and merge:


    both these thread started in response to a false news of induction of ZDK-03 into PAF.
    the actual thing is the roll out ceremony of ZDK-03 for PAF. it is being discussed at:

    we must not delete two above mentioned thread as the induction is soon to follow and i guess mergeing them woul do the job.

    thank you!

    Long time no see, how are you doing?
    Hope all is good with the family as well.

    Do keep in touch.

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