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  • Salam,
    Sir your Posts Per Day is 0.06, which is very low, cant u increase your number of post here so that people here will get your reliable updates about PAF.

    And is thunder flying @ Farnborough?
    Pshamim saheb.
    it was a pleasure talking to you today, although I did feel a bit embarassed over waking you up. it was nice to talk about our beloved country which is being torn apart by strife and unruliness. It was also nice to hear of some old names like Prof. Hameed , Prof Ashfaq both being my teachers in medical school. Of the Income tax people i know of as my fathers friends were Ghulam Sadiq saheb and Visaq Ul Hassan Rizvi. The latter was a very fine gentleman who unfortunately died a yr or 2 ago due to throat Cancer. Ghulam Sadiq Saheb was also a very colourful character with a very flowery language, which was very funny to hear in his typical hyderabadi accent. I hope we can continue this discourse some other time on the phone. it is always nice to talk with people like you and Sir Muradk
    Sir i am in London UK. However I will give you a call sometime during the next week if it is all right with you.I am currently on nights on call for this week end.
    Pshamim Saheb.
    My father ,s name was Syed Ashfaq hassan Razvi, lovingly known as Baba razvi. he was the head of the department of Surgery from 1966 to 1977, when his extension was rescinded and he was retired. He was a bit too honest for the likes of Katpar,and jatoi. He was a constant fixture at the gymkhana Club. he loved Bridge and would go to gymkhana after his clinic to play a rubber or 2. He did not make much money, but earned repsect so that even 30 yrs after his retirement, people would stand up in his honour when he visited Civil Hospital Karachi. People like Adeeb Rizvi Saheb and Prof Almani were all his students and greatly respected him.
    Pshamim Saheb.
    Did you see my response to your email. I dont know why it is not showing over here. If you have not received it i will repost it.
    Pshamim Saheb,
    i did not realize you played bridge. My father (May Allah bless his soul) was a retired professor of Surgery at Dow and loved the game . Istill remember the time when i went to pick him up from one of the Championship games that pakistan played. He had a chair next to Zia Mehmood.I have hardly ever seen him so happy.
    Enjoy sir and May Allah keep you in good health.
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