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  • Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Eagle....

    How is your life??? long time really.... anything new?

    Yes I want to play a chess match but seriously you were the second last person I played chess match against. Since past 2 years I have played only once :(

    But my laptop is not working today so if possible tomorrow???
    Awww :( i just read that you are leaving marrying off. And sorry sister i just came to know that you are a lady. :)

    So my dear sister always cherish and celebrate womenhoood :).

    lots of lots of dua for your coming new married life.
    We will miss you
    What will be the Impact on Middle East if USA, Russia, China & India backs Israel

    I opened a thread on World Affairs Please post your comment, It’s Research Journalism
    My age is 21 and now I am doing Software Eng And in F.SC my subjects are Math Chemistry And Physics.I LOVE PAF so i want to join it.
    Hello sis, hope you're fine.
    I'd like to know that will there be any civilian recruitment for GDP in 2012 August? because I'll complete A levels in 2012 May and result in 2012 August and I fear that there might not be any recruitment in 2012 as it happened in recent years. =S
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