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  • Well if you can't get it, how did Zee News got it.

    Asas, well never heard of such newspaper to be frank, never ever, heard myself first time that such names newspaper even exists.

    By the way, if Pakistanis had been against his death sentence, you guys would have been seeing mass demonstrations and other stuff, but non whatsoever, nor even on this site people have shown their dissatisfaction, except may be 2-3 terrorist sympathizers which even we have not come upon, which is aatay mae namak kae baraber anyway.
    paper has bad reputation and ur zee news still think its credible and takes news from it

    what a free and responsible media you got in india :d
    Just busy with some stuff yar.. Anyways India lost today, I guess tommorow is our turn.. Phar lau tattay
    lol i hate punjabi rappers

    wat u been upto? india got owned in that match man
    Atleast that will help you articulating your sentences further, without having to resort to sms constructs.

    Funny? Sure if you found me so Dear.
    I have given you my reply.

    As about Fundamentalist's(Yahya Waraich) post, well, I really don't see even an iota of disrespect from him, rather an innocent querry.
    My being a soldier or not isn't that important, rather the content of my posts.

    Aside: Get hold of a copy of Wren & Martin fast.
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