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  • LOL! But Its a very addictive movie. Have seen that atleast 6-7 times

    Think I must start practising it.. Going to be in TX from August, hopefully!
    wow... U know that by heart ! Is that whats supposed to be a Texan Drawl? The way the Initial Narrator pronounces it.
    Lot of Good posters missing and lot of trolls.. Place is too boring even to browse, forget posting :)

    Anyways, lets see, if the hour eventually produces the man, to make you start posting :P
    Of course You are Steve.. I was referring to Jeff Lebowski, The one in your avatar.. Boring without your posts. Some people tend to get uppity without your rebuttals.. Kindly come out of retirement :D
    Well, thinking about relations between Taliban and ISI everything is possible. What I'm thinking about is the fact that only right-wing bloggers reported this news, there is nothing in, for example, New York Times or Washington Post.
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