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AgNoStiC MuSliM

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  • Sir, i am a big fan of yours. i wish everybody was as sensible as you in this forum . cheers.
    I understood what you mean!
    Thanks for the precious advice!!
    I will ask you more from time to time!
    Well thank you for that..really appreciate it
    You are right that emotions should be kept away in discussions..
    I am confused about one thing..
    You mentioned it in your post i.e.

    "Even if your opponent is correct about something, if the justification is based on the use of a logical fallacy, your first counter to his argument is simple - you just point out that logical fallacy in his argument and then wait for him to justify it some other way."

    Can you rephrase it a bit so I can understand. For me, If I think that my opponent is right than I don't want to rebuttal because he is "right"
    Is it a good strategy or only good manners?

    and it's not a lecture..its teaching and if someone can teach me stuff which can help me in my life than I must regard the person who taught me
    Yes, I am still learning the skills to debate effectively. I have learned a lot by joining this forum. It is true that in order to defend your points one has to know the points of the other side. There are other great debaters also and you are one of them. You use civilized language with solid facts. You in a way represent my thought.
    Good job!
    Qsaark, I hope you know him also referred me to go over your posts because he also thinks that you are a great debater!
    Thank you for taking an action.
    I will not over react or something but seriously you are one of the best debaters over here. Every post of you has something new and solid. Keep it up AM!!!!
    I follow you all along the forum!!
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