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  • Inglorious Bastards stupid movie it is based on Small groups of jewish soldiers lead by brad pitt their task is to collect 1000 scalps of Nazi Soldiers They collect scalps by cutting their heads Yuckzz Huekzz .,.... U Betta download Step Up 2..(*_*)
    1)Personally , I never had any problems with names of pakistan's missile , You might as well name them Gen Mushy or Zia or whosoever you want. I was trying to explain you how the names are been viewed by people who have a problem with it. Btw did you ever see an Indian battle equipment named Shivaji or Laxmi bai or Tantya Tope. There's a reason for it but well lets leave it there.

    2) Well facts are facts and no one can deny them , though more recently the facts have been doctored and hence everything from our history to our future will be and is being based on perceptions. The point I am trying to make is that if I call black as white and you call black as grey , then whose facts are right? The answer is no one's but perhaps till the judgement day , if majority PERCIEVES black to be white then it will be white. Hope you get the drift

    1) Air carriers are being named after their presidents which lets say are no less than 300 years old and each one of them has an impecable record and some have even won nobel for their work. Cant be compared to ghaznavi etc. Arjun and Bhism are mythical charecters ( they might have/might not have existed) . Do you get the drift? As far as I know Merkava means Chariot in hebrew. You can check up wikipedia for that.

    2. Well in today's world every country will have weapons for defence. Its a reality and we cant deny it. But when you name them as aggressors and not defenders then the (Niyat) of the country comes into question. As I said if you want to be percieved in a wrong way , which will harm you later much more then the harm that any of your missiles can do then go ahead and do it. I dont want you guys to change anything. Its a debate about being right and wrong and how things can be perceived or Are .

    3. some of the emotions that you have shown in this forum have the intensity associated with a scorp. Change is the only order in this world. Just wanted to check if you're having sunny days or rainy days. BTW India knocked the stuffin out of SA at Eden gardens. Congratulate us for that :P
    Why only prithvi raj , many more would have been defeated by Ghauri. Btw I read the same in my history book. The point I am trying to make is:

    1. List me the countries where key weapons systems are named after individuals. ( it will be gr8 if the countries you list are of some stature and not somalia). Also I am well aware that India has Arjun , Bhism & Akbar , but those are hardly key battle systems.

    2. Its all about the waves(message) that you send to others. People should also work hard to understand that fact that how one is percieved is more important then what they really are. So if the world thinks JUD is a terrorist organisation then it is. Mind you perceptions are not based on mere myths (esp in this age) and that it may be right that people can be lied to but in the end Truth Alone Triumphs (Satyamev Jayate). Naming missiles the way pakistan did isnt going to send good signals. As far as India being concerned by your nations missile prowess, well I would say there is no concern. See very few people really think that pakistan is capable of building those , they have sourced these from other nations. It defies logic to not have a space program and yet be able to produce long range missiles without foriegn help.

    3. Being a scorpio can be or cannot be a lot of fun. I know it because I am one.Which side of coin are you?
    Emo... very soory I was away from the forum for quite a long, just re-join few days back. Heard such a trajic loss of your cousin, very sorry for him. May his soul rest in peace. May Allah shower his blessing on the departed soul...Please tell me in detail about him..
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