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  • AOA Sir! I wanted to ask you a question.. The question is that I had a huge passion to join the army but couldn't make it through the ISSBs... Now I am planning to go to UK for Engineering and I would like to know whether if the Army is inducting Engineers nowadays through DSSC in EME or Signals etc??
    for the most part, yes. Some tuning and polishing in order, but running nonetheless.

    How you doing my brother
    was in mtn cantt visiting some old friends - cantt is now high security area and all the pickets/check-posts have now been deployed by soldiers of the 'RAF'. their helmets have a 'yellow-strip' with the words RAF written on them. RAF= Rapid Action Force?
    xeric, really I know PM meaning, really when I click on Visitor Message it only allows posts. Would you like me to take a snapshot of my screen to display this? Can you try PMing me first? thank you
    No i am not thank full at all.

    And i suggested to open another thread nobody else.

    Your reply is received and understood and the answer will be given in a language that you guys understand.
    Why is my welcome thread closed? I will give the admins here 6 hours to reply to it and give me something that is reason enough.

    I find is extremely arrogant and pathetic.
    hi, need your help, please PM me your email, Webmaster recommended that I talk to you. thanks man.
    i am not shy of controversy, never have been and never will be. As controversy results in scrutiny and from that scrutiny comes understanding which gives rise to support or opposition and both are necessary. i am an accomplished writer and there are many that do not agree with what i have written and they write their critique and i either defend my opinion or i accept theirs. But it is all done intellectually and in fair spirit and objective is always to further ones knowledge.

    but ignorance is different it is not excusable and interaction with it is futile. Ignorance stems from many aspects, e.g., if someone does not know what i have said or what my opinions are then he has no knowledge of it, and in absence of credible knowledge forming counter opinion is certainly being ignorant. but that is not as bad as the situation with few members on this forum is cause i am assuming that a person has no knowledge of my opinions. but what makes it worst is when i reiterate something over and over again and its on record, its right in front of them and yet they deliberately misconstrue it, then it is ignorance of a higher level, its being ignorant by choice rather than being ignorant by default.

    it is sad when i have to actually offer money to a guy for if he could show me that i have said what he has accused me of saying while quoting my post in black and white. if it was not the case then you would not have to mention it in your post that many of them were actually wrong in assuming that i support TTP or have any soft corner for it. You rightly mentioned that I was not aware of the fact that there exists a basic rehabilitation programme or at least some efforts are being made in that regard and I accepted it. I was here to make myself aware of the public opinion not to get into a war of accusations and mud slinging. It is not my style neither am I used to it nor do I want to be accustomed to it.

    Thanks for writing to me, I certainly do appreciate it.
    i dont know what do you mean by "uglier" but if in entails me throwing rotten eggs and tomatoes at someone on this forum then it certainly isn't my style neither do i have time for it ....... but if it means me getting extremely frustrated with the fact that other members do not even read, let alone understanding, my posts and deduce whatever they want to deduce from it and replying to whatever they think that i have written .... then, my friend, the frustration got me to a point that i decided that there is no point witting any more as "they" are not reading it anyway.
    thanks for the message. you also miss understood me but not as much as the others. the post that you replied to was answer to a specific post so should not be taken in isolation.

    what i am talking about is something in 5 to 7 years time and many of them, that do not have patients to read the whole post, relate it to today.

    thanks for telling me about the Kiani's letter i did not know about it. even though that in my line of work i have to travel to Pakistan and Afghanistan once a month i still miss a thing or two.

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