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  • Hi...

    1 Question. As you know few months ago there was incident of Indian getting beating in Australia...I didn't follow that news...Can you tell me the bottom line of that whole story...Would really appreciate it.


    Precisely. The only reasons I am connected to India is because of my father's origin and to perform pilgrimage and I don't know anything about India apart from my faith. I think the reasons why some members think like this is because of extremist mentality that any person that rejects their views is either an American/NATO, Jew or Indian.

    If you have noticed, many members here express sympathy for militant organizations like Taliban. I was appalled to see this situation and was left wondering how could someone support a militant organization whose horrible acts have been proven around the world and who are wrecking havoc in one's own country.

    Another amusing factor you might want to note would be some of these extremist members pasting the Taliban to be "Indian-funded" separate agencies from the Taliban that operates in Afghanistan. That really gave me a belly-full of laughs.
    LOL.. Thanks for the help. I find it pathetic that Pakistanis think that everyone who is of partial Indian descent is a "conspiring Indian" against their country. Now Mr. Developerneo starts interrogating me by asking me to translate his sentences in German and then demands me to know each and every segment of Swiss history and geography.

    Have you ever wondered how this forum is so successful despite childish and chest-thumping teenagers managing it? I don't mind being called an Indian because my father is of Indian origin. But to insult Switzerland by imposing their stupid fantasy on me is really indecent. Funny no one calls me Iranian though despite Iran's not-so-friendly ties with Pakistan and the fact that I am a part Persian by race.

    Despite my several comments against some Indians here, I haven't seen a single Indian call me "Pakistani hiding behind Swiss flag". Perhaps it is a thing among Pakistanis to see Indians everywhere.
    Have you ever suffered the allegations of being branded "an Indian" for supporting sane and logical comments, friend? Because the level of obsession against Indians here is so great that most Pakistani members cannot imagine that their comment can be refuted by anyone "but a conspiring Indian".

    Despite me repeatedly informing some of them that I am a Swiss national adherent of Hinduism, they think I am a childish Indian posing as a Swiss national.

    In case if you have, Please tell me a method of complaining against these members because their stupid comments are forcing me to waste additional time rather than know better about the South Asian geopolitics for which I joined this forum. I cannot imagine such an infantile forum is running so successfully for so many years with half of the members paranoid of a global conspiracy against their country!
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