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  • HI,

    Thank you for the welcome.

    There is something I would like to know, I was a member of another Pak. forum of whom I believe you were the 'Webmaster' and I was banned from posting & PM by Mr. X aka Psychosaint for contradicting and completeing proving him wrong in a thread, I would like to know anything as similar would not happen here & whether members like Mr. X & others who were moderators there are moderators here also?
    The banner on top is great, but it's getting kind of old. I don't want to see it disappear, but could we have a little more variety, somehow?
    AoA Sir, sorry to approach you in this direct manner, but a certain Indian member has been openly using abusive language against my country and he didn't hesitate to to use derelict wordings against a female member. Even his sad posts are not deleted despite earlier requests. Kindly look into the matter. REGARDS.
    Web Master , Adminstrator and everyone related to this site. I had been reading a lot of sites which now I am sure how our enemies are projecting negative image of our sites on @, pretending to be Pakistanies. Please if possible can we contact on some direct level to be assure of few things and before I comment or discuss any thing related to our defence. I am new to this site so please don't get offended and as I see General or other ranks I would surely like to know the real details. The whole network is easily watched and is hakable to get info by the enemies and as we are sitting abroad we are a lot carefull. Please guide me.


    Because the Indian smiley thread was closed , I had to put my question here. I just wanted to know how in your opinion are the increased levels of trolling and war mongering related to an Indian flag smiley. I am sure you might be basing your answer on certain hueristics. I would just like to know what they are.

    Another point then is , doesnt the same logic to trolling and war mongering apply to a Pakistan or Chinese flag smiley ?

    AoA all my dear pakistani i m new on this site so help me if u think i need gaidline thanks to you
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