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  • Dear Araz Sb
    how r u sir - long time no hear! guess u must be busy with your new assignment - God Bless u and your family!
    Sir i am in London. However |i will give you a call sometime during the next week if it is all right with you.I am currently on nigh ts on call for this week end.
    If you are in US, please give me a call on either (310) 534-1888 or (310) 567-1888. I think I remember your father. My father often mentioned your father.
    Pshamim Saheb,
    I had replied to your earlier mail an d heve just repoated the same. Let me know if you have recieved it. I am glad you have made contact with MuradK saheb.I am sorryabout my earlier mail to you but these messages can be seen by 3rd party. You therefore understand my concerns.
    Pshamim Saheb.
    My Father's name was Prof. SAH Razvi. He was lovingly known a Baba Razvi. He was a permanent fixture at the Karachi Gymkhana club.He was well respected because he never compromised on his integrity and principles,even tough it cost him 2 yrs of his right to work. The result Alhamdo Lillah was that till his dying day people would get up out of respect for him at Dow Medical Collegeand Civil Hospital. I remember distinctly people like Jam Sadiq and Katpar getting out of their seats to come to meet him. I think whatever he lacked in money , he more than adequately made up for it in respect and always remaining contented. I am very proud of his achievements as was he of mine.
    I hope we can continue this friendship, Sir.
    Araz Saheb,
    I did not see a reply from you. Please let me know what your father's name is. I may know him.
    Pshamim Saheb.
    My Father's name was Prof. SAH Razvi. He was lovingly known a Baba Razvi. He was a permanent fixture at the Karachi Gymkhana club.He was well respected because he never compromised on his integrity and principles,even tough it cost him 2 yrs of his right to work. The result Alhamdo Lillah was that till his dying day people would get up out of respect for him at Dow Medical Collegeand Civil Hospital. I remember distinctly people like Jam Sadiq and Katpar getting out of their seats to come to meet him. I think whatever he lacked in money , he more than adequately made up for it in respect and always remaining contented. I am very proud of his achievements as was he of mine.
    I hope we can continue this friendship, Sir.
    Araz Saheb,
    May God find the best place in heaven for your father. What was your father's name. I may know him. My father was the cfaptain of the Pakistan Bridge team. I know Zia Mehmood and his partner Saleem Saheb. My father's name was Mohammad shamim.
    Best Regards.
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