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  • a-o-a sir
    i visit this page and i am glad that you are in pak army you know our country faces challenges of terrorism it is good dicision of you that you join this web that other peoples can take inspiration from you
    hello sir!! how r u?? can u plzz help me,... i want to join pak army,... i have registerd my self for 125 PMA,.... this is my mail(princeofasia143@yahoo.com) can u plzz chat wid me,.... i just want to ask u some questions and i need some information,... i shall be very thank full to you iff u give me few minutes,.....
    SW - this forum is for providing a platform for discussion, not setting up threads just flaming the other side, which is why your threads keep getting shut down. Don't boost the morale of your countrymen by pointing out Indian failures - boost it by pointing out Pakistani success.
    hi, m Sameem 4m Bahawalpur ... recomended for 21st TCC 4m Issb by grace of God
    nd U..................................????
    For posting pics u have to upload them on an image hoisting site such as imageshacks.us and then copy paste thr url from there. As for the clips just copy paste the link in your post
    Sir let's not play barbie, i am too from the Army and i have been to the academy when you probably were a kid. So chill! and be careful. BTW, i have accepted you as a friend!
    You can ask WebMaster,AgNoStIc MuSliM or Asim Aquil for the deletion of your two threads they are the guys who deal with such issues.

    Personally i think your thread was posted earlier that's why moderators deleted your threads.
    Yes i remember now, I heard about him on the news. He was right no Bullets can stop him that's why enemy needed a RPG for this lion of Pakistan Army.

    I am Proud of his mother as well, she was really brave and she was the source of motivation for the whole Pakistani nation.
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