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  • Hi.. I have seen a post by you claiming about Ajmal Kasab's gun. Can you provide a picture of Kasab carrying Russian TT.. or else I will consider this claim same as 'amar singh'.
    ok! read quran and u will know "intentionally Allah ko kuch aisa kehna jo wo nai hai shirk hai" This is not extremism! this is quran :)
    dear emo_girl! i dont know who u r! but i felt ur signature too wrong! please dont use word "comedian"!

    Allah is almighty!
    Nein, it is the Bundeswehr Abzeichen, the sign of the german armed forces

    U posted many posts but I never noticed u before, u changed ur name?
    Join Date
    08-17-2009 ...
    Total Posts: 1,145
    Posts Per Day: 25.65
    Post: Colonel

    Hmm ....seems too much spare time .....nothing else to do in life...u may explored Pak defence.

    U must be given some reward from Mods
    hello sweety, I hope you are fine.
    Sorry I read your visitor msg by owais.............why you are leaving the forum? Dear we are few gils in it then why..........
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