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  • i believe SSc is now offered only for non-combat arms - if u want to be in the combat arms then it is LC (long course) only.
    i want some information about SSC (Short Service Comission)
    i have done my bsc now i want to join pak army but i think so long course is for intermediate students? i was searching for graduate course but one of the members of defence.pk told me that now SSC is going on instead of graduate course , i want to ask that when the selection procedure for SSC started in the year? and how much time i have to spend in PMA after selection? please give me some information about that! thanks!
    Sir there is nothing to apologise for, though I appreciate and thank you for reaching out on a personal level.

    I have nothing but respect for posts made by some of you seniors like you, Muse, and Mastan Khan.

    Speaking for myself, and my countrymen, we cringe and feel terrible for the PEOPLE of Pakistan when we see the images of blood spattered innocents being evacuated from blast sites and it is not mere lip service when I say that we feel an affinity for you at such a time - call it the bond of estranged brothers, call it sympathy and empathy against a common generic tormentor, call it basic humanity felt by us as brothers/sons/fathers, call it what you will, but the sentiment is there and it is strong.

    It can be seen in many ways by a marked reduction in the standard Indo-Pak vitriol that forums such as these see flowing daily.

    It can be seen in a marked lack of enthusiasm of most Indian members here in taking the moral high ground "you sow what you reap" stand.

    Cause at times like these we recognise the difference between national level doctrine/policy/politics and ground level human emotions and suffering of common people that have very little to do with the former.

    Simply put, we may agree to disagree as eternal antagonistic nationalities doomed to carry the baggage of history, but I think as people we bear you absolutely NO ill will and pray for you in these bad times.

    Cheers, Vistasp
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