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  • Dramay sai yaad aya, don't miss the new Pakistan Army drama at 8pm tonight on HUM television. ;)
    Firstly, thnx 4ur response.!!! nd i'll try to consern these books,
    nd let me knw wt ws the problm wd PMs ???
    i think you are fine
    i have a question how to use urdu language in signatures
    have i nice eid
    If some one even intends to say about military dictator, some take it very personal, atleast in my case you did not do this
    Hi Xeric

    A while ago we were engaged in some debate. Though I am admitting you remained very logical and to the point but let me confess that I did not realize this at that time.
    It was a great pleasure and honor for me to exchange thoughts with a Siachin veteran. We were on two different sides and unfortunately we were not able to convince each other.
    You belong to that rare breed in services that is even becoming rare very rapidly (this is my perception from your posts, hope this would not prove wrong).

    Well brother, Nothing personal but I personally don't think that Nobi kareem should be compare to any of those men. I mean how can he be compare to Lincoln or ghandi?
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