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  • In response to your post 'is alcohol available for pak army'

    First of all let me correct you. There is no concept of Mullah in Islam and Islam does not require any of these spiritual leaders or religious hierarchy. Every Muslim must read and understand Quran and act upon its teaching and will be accountable for his/her actions on the Day of Judgment. Each Muslim has his or her own personal relationship with God.

    Secondly, the Mullah's were created by secular people like you and like minded who happened to born in a Muslim family but did not want to read or understand Quran and needed someone for guidance that they could run to for religious matters.

    You and your secularism have been tried for the last 61 years, except few years of Zia, and have miserably failed. As a matter of fact, you and your secularism are responsible for creation of extremists and Taliban’s not only in Swat but also spreading this cancer in Punjab, Sindh and Baluchistan. The Taliban’s are at one extreme and you on another extreme have no place in Islam. Islam teaches moderation and not extremism.
    Hey Man , I am in complete control of my senses, I DID NOT . i REPETE I DID NOT , posted any Pak army martyrs in the thread... it wud be som body else. I wud never do this to martyrs , any side of the border... the only chat abt pakistani soldiers I remmeber was wt , patriot guy (I guess) in whivh I said "I hope the govt of both countries compansates enough to the families of the martyrs, If U think its against pak soldiers , I am sorry " but DO U really think that ?
    HI ASIM , I am just wondering why was my thread deleted? was it offensive to you guys???? do u care to explain?>??
    Sorry for writeing the heading in capital. its not intensional. i will try not to do it in future
    actully in my blog and other web sites where I contribute i write heading in capital. but its not excuse.
    er! What was the reason you gave in Sinoindusfnship thing while deleting his post!! He shoot he missed something like that ! ! :S
    okes! thats good!!

    but sir jee i guess you msut remove it now, after the great show our team have put up in sirilanka!!
    Asim, ik cheez notice keri? Sare chamche thought were were talking about the her. :lol: All came on defensive..funny stuff.
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