First of all welcome to Def-PK! hope you will enjoy your stay here...for sure you will find some hatered comments for Israel but i think you already know the reason but the main reason for this forum is to have good debates on diffrent problems, issues etc.
i'm a student and here in Italy mostly Jews are very liked (maybe there is some racism against them too), i've also read the WWII history and i as human being and a muslim feel really bad for what happened to the innocent Jews back then. I personally don't have any thing against Jews but i can't close my eyes on whats going on in Midle East from the past 60 + years and baout zionist jews. If i condem what happened during WWII to jews then i've to condem also what Israel and zionist loby is doing to innocent Palestinians and to all the Muslims now days. I'm fundamently against Zionism and Israeli gov. not against Jews. i would like to ask a quetion to you sir if you don't mind.
Why Zionist loby exist? did you support them? why Israel don't give Palestinian there rights and a free state? if you hate Muslims?
maybe my questions are a bit personal but i just want to know your point of view, which i think will be diffrent from that of your gov. thnx.