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  • Please change your flags, & go to Afghanistan. You do not deserve to call yourself a Pakistani. As you yourself said, you nationality is Pashtun. I'm sure you know that people like yourself think Pashtun is synonymous with Afghan, & all other ethnicities of Afghanistan are 'fake Afghans'. It is because of you that Afghanistan is what it is today. Go with your scum Taliban brethren to your motherland of Afghanistan, & stop spewing your Taliban propaganda on this forum.
    Please don't take that person seriously. Pakistani Punjabis are fellow countrymen of the Pashtuns. Just ignorance and emotional who's had a hard time with Afghans like most Pakistanis. But most Pakistani Punjabis know that it's Afghans who are the enemy, not Pakistanis Pakhtuns who we regard as our countrymen.

    So please don't let one ignorant Punjabi cloud your judgment of Punjabis. I only disagree about the genetic part.

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