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  • Since the mods are pretty sensitive to truth being told in that thread & have blocked me for saying it.

    I ll reply to your comment here.

    You are Summun bukmun umyun fa hum la yar’jioon.

    In the order of all the evils left behind by the Brits the Judiciary is a lesser evil compared to the Army, although it’s much more corrupting in nature & almost always works hands in gloves with the military Junta.
    Iran is doing much better than Pakistan on any given index.
    How is it a bad example for us ?
    Oh I get it, you don’t like Qazis implementing shariat ?
    Mullahs of Afghanistan have just won their independence fighting against the whole wide world, whether we like their belief system is a different matter.
    But if the laws of nature are any indicators of future than they have a much better chance of having a better future than us.
    The deeper a fall, the higher a Rise.
    The more a nation is steadfast in defending its freedom and values the brighter its future is.
    But it’s pretty obvious you wouldn’t want to be a citizen of such nation.
    That’s your choice.

    Those who stand on the sides and hope for things to get better remain on the sides & never get better.

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