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  • Temujin, Sir

    I read your posts with great interest. I disagree somewhat with your statements that Temujin "cultivated" such and such an image. I think he was not cognizant of his "image" in the modern sense. i think that he was born into a culture wherein manhood and leadership were defined by warlike prowess. He suffered the death of his father and the disinheritance of his mother at precisely the age when he was becoming a man in his culture. I think that that experience made him harden to any future challenges to his self-worth as a man of the steppes. I love the clarity of his siege strategy. First the white tent. "Surrender or face the consequences". Then the red tent. "You didn't choose wisely so now you die". He is the one person in history that I would most like to meet to see what he was really like, as opposed to the stories about him, mostly written by his enemies.

    Temujin, Sir!
    I have read many books on Genghis Khan. He was truly one of the most resilient and capable national and nation-building leaders in human history. I greatly admire him, even though he was extremely bloody in dealing with his enemies. I especially love the story of how he dealt with the Assassins, after he was nearly killed by a poisoning. Do you admire him for his treatment of the Middle Kingdom? I thought that he conquered Hindu India, and so, I think, would be an anti-hero for you. Temujin, Sir, are you Indian as your flags say, or Mongol?


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