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  • Soldier In The War.
    Love is like a battlefield
    the fight comes from with in.
    The many nights I want you
    but your out wanting them
    Reaching for your arms l
    ooking for you to hold me tight
    I should have known that you'd be with her tonight
    So I'll snuggle with my pillow like so many times before.
    Love is like a battle field and I'm a soldier in its war.
    Silent Soldier.
    I am a silent soldier in this world,
    walking my path unto my despair,
    though it seems around every corner,
    i walk with my shroud of darkness,
    it comforting me,
    i seem as though i am running,
    running to-wards the end,
    silently crying,
    the night taking away every sound,
    my very essence being washed away,
    my end coming,
    hoping it with swift feet,
    i cannot bare the torture of time,
    i just want it all to end,
    yet i cant find the strength to end it,
    my silent prayers,
    pleading to end this existence,
    the silent soldier,
    given the undoubtedly worst duty of all,
    walk without armor,
    withstand the pain of a thousand blows,
    but destined to walk without stopping
    an endless terrain
    i am him
    i am the Silent Soldier
    A Soldier Must Return.
    When you step foot on to that plane,
    knowing your life would never be the same.
    The things the media says,
    they could never fully express.

    The expectations you once had,
    shattered, the moment you see the new land.
    The only thing you keep in mind,
    is to return to the life you left behind.

    Return to a life you never knew,
    the person who, you thought was you.
    All these changes made before your face,
    they were so subtle, so opaque.

    Reappearing from the war,
    but nobody knows you anymore.
    Life went on, while you did your job.
    Away from the world, but never gone.

    Your perceptions, the things you've seen,
    changes reality and makes you think.
    Where do i go, how do i begin?
    Its like starting over once again.

    All you missed while you were gone.
    So much to do, so little time.
    Keep in mind, this though chapter ends
    in a short while, a new one begins.

    What choices life must bring,
    The pain that goes unseen.
    The life you thought you wanted,
    May it forever be a dream
    the soldier fights for the hippys rights to protest against that soldier
    the soldier fights for the politions rights to send that soldier to war
    the soldier fights for buisness mans rights to make money
    the soldier fights for the policemans rights to arrest that soldier
    the soldier fights for school kids right to know about past soldiers
    the soldier fights to so that you may all sleep at night
    the soldier fights for religion so that you may all belive what you wish
    And yet the soldier fights on
    the soldier fights for his flag, for his country, for his life
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