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  • Thank you for your message.

    I would be only too glad to hear your views and to discuss the topics of interest with you. I don't take offence so you have nothing to worry about.

    I run a blog which can be accessed via the following link,


    If you are comfortable, I would like to put up our discussion on my blog so that others may participate / benefit.

    Looking forward to your response.
    Peace, secular brother. I am, in Islamic terms, a very bad Christian, since I have been baptized and born again, but I grew up and put away those childish things when YHWH gave the country to Bush. I prefer to think of myself a simply a secular, scientific "kaffir".
    I like your user name, Sec Rev, and your stated goals. I would also like to discuss Islamic government and history with you, as you seem to be a person who would be unlikely to take personal offense, which I hope I never give, but sometimes my sense of humor or such will make me say things I shouldn't.
    One other point, since you have run your own site, you might understand what it means that both your intro thread and mine ("Hi Y'all from a Marxist Lennonist") have been closed. We didn't do anything wrong, did we?
    Thankyou for your time. May you have Peace, love, and wisdom in your life. Ahimsa
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