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  • Hello Dear,
    have started a new Babur Cruise Missile Database thread in Pakistan Strategic Forces section.


    this is inspired from ANTIBODY's idea of JF-17 Information Pool. A thread not meant for arguing or debate but just to collect all useful and relevant data regarding the system under one umbrella.
    Kindly do take time and check this out.

    Looking forward for some useful contribution from your side aswell

    Best Regards!
    Arsalan Aslam
    Not at all. It is the syndicate and their masters who have given them specific tasks. Pakistanis must not fall into this trap. If Pakistanis are understanding then such traps will automatically fail.
    There are syndicates working round the clock to see BD and Pakistan do not get close. These syndicates are commissioned to keep BD isolated from the Ummah. We all must avoid falling into minefield laid by them.
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