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  • Dear Sir,
    I am again disturbing you as I have the same problem. As per your direction, I should not post any links, starting from htt://, so I have simply tried to post my article in the related thread/topic, but again found that “some error occurred, you have not completed you five posts.” I clicked ‘my posts’ and some other related points to complete other four posts, but, I totally failed in this respect. According to your message of July 9, 2011, you should be able to create thread now. I once again request you to resolve my problem. It is better that you should complete my other four posts.
    Sajjad Shaukat
    Writer and Author
    Hello Shaukat? Which forum section are you trying to post in? You can't create threads in certain places but should be able to reply to any post.
    I have been greatly impressed by this forum where we can have latest information about world affairs, which is my interesting subject.
    Born in Lahore (Pakistan), I got master degrees in English and Journalism including diploma in English Learning and Teaching from the University of Punjab. I wrote a number of articles on various topics of international affairs, published in Pakistan’s English newspapers. Besides, I also wrote a book, US vs Islamic, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations, published by Ms. Ferozsons Pvt. Lahore in 2005. In this book, I have evolved a thesis that the non-state actors like Islamic militants are checking the world dominance of the United States. And I have favoured the global peace, based upon idealism—which is possible by reconciling realism with idealism.
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