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  • Bhai yeh tu woh log hain ju Public kay samany hain the military has cpatured a lot many more and by now we KNOW who these people are where they are some from!
    We are lying to ourselves for God knows what reason

    do you think lying to ourselves is going to help us. upon seeing a cat, the pigeon closes his eyes but it never helps. if the civil courts are not competent & the judjes in civil courts are afraid of prosecuting these sickos out of fear or whatever. then the parliament should pass a resolution or through execuitive order the responsibilty to hold & prosecute them should be given to the military courts. that to me is the most appropriate & civilized way. getting rid of these scums through extra judicial ways is an easy option but, this only goes to romantacize the whole thing. a terrorist becomes an outlaw, with the media doing it's bit and making him look a victim. ABOVE ALL I AM A STRONG SUPPORTER OF THE STATES MORAL AUTHORITY & MORAL HIGH GROUND.
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