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  • Sallam bro,
    Do not start new threads with only link to tweets or a video/image as opening post. If you do not or cannot add any text material to discuss the shared link please only post in multimedia section.
    Thank you.
    About the tweet, i agree that multimedia is a very general section and it is sometimes a bit harsh to put all such threads into that one section but the issue with us is that the moment we allow threads with an image, tweet or a video as opening post we will start getting so much spam threads it will be out of control
    To control that a rule have been made that if anyone is posting in discussion section they need to write a bit about the tweet/video/image in opening post to explain or describe the material they are sharing. By this one step we avoid hundreds of spam threads.
    In your case you can just use the explanation in the tweet and mention it in the OP. This is working your way around the rules but we can ignore that! :)
    Valid point. Sometimes or in my case I cannot think of anything substantial to add to any media. But that can be overcome.

    Kindest Regards.
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