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  • Dear friends,

    l happened to come upon this site quite inadvertently and was tempted to join. I believe like most present day forces of the world, Our Army is also following q conspiracy theory in order to maintain their grip on the sources of the nation which they have blatantly exploited for the past 5 decades. The same is true for Indian Armed forces. l don't know how long will the people be fooled by their armies.
    How shamelessly the ex-generals devised the 'strategic depth' in order to prolong their grip on power and resources of the nations. They knew very well that they were only serving Americans but they needed something to fool the people with. That was 'strategic depth' :so ingloriously jettisoned by our brassbags and penetrated by the Americans.
    Posing as nation's heroes!
    what gasbags. . .
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