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  • indeed i heard that you are a wuhan people??? are you in the sector of engineering or science? an engineer in green technology or other booming industries?
    sir,the photo can be showed out. see my reply post in "...china...next superpower..." in page6
    hi, bro, tell me how to attach pics in this forum, i want to attach a pic of usa's military forum http://forums. military.com, to fight back a india guy's saying:
    "go and search it on youtube . oops sorry you wont be able to do so as your gov has banned youtube . oh sorry . your gov gives you no right to stand against it "
    Hi jetLi. Welcome to Pakistan Defence Forum. Go to the General Images & Multimedia section of this forum. All the sticky threads are of Pakistan. Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachi are the major cities of Pakistan, you can see pictures in those threads also. You can also see pictures of Pakistan in the Beautiful Pakistan thread and Architecture of Pakistan thread. All those threads can be found in the General Images & Media section. I also posted pictures of China in that same section. Go to Pictures of China in the General Images & Media section, please post pictures of China there I would love to see more pictures of our brotherly nation China. I will post more pictures soon. Meanwhile, please check out the pictures already posted of Pakistan in those threads.
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