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Jacob Martin

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  • I just came to know that Indians read the most books. My faith in both books and reading stands shaken.
    Now that the plan of using Kulbhushan as India's Kasab has backfired, I wonder whether Pak Army/ISI have a Plan 'B'?
    Is it true that only less intelligent join the NDA course in India?
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    Kamikaze Pilot
    Kamikaze Pilot
    I don't want your thanks or likes. I want your answers to the best of your knowledge and belief.
    Jacob Martin
    Jacob Martin
    The NDA course is one of the most demanding in India. One needs not only educational qualifications, but also physical conditioning which most Indians discount from an early age. So taking all requirements, physical and academics together, it has probably the smallest talent pool to choose from. Therefore it is an elite course.
    Jacob Martin
    Jacob Martin
    However, now that many eligible candidates are interested in career avenues with better prospects, such as IIT, there is no doubt been a paucity of availability as far as the best candidates go. But that is a situation for UPSC in general, and not specific to NDA.
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