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  • Hi iam glad you read the post ... & yes respect is mutual see you around the fourm :)

    I have posted you reply for your question about "Leaving Islam". And just to give you a pinching clue, your assumptions are wrong!

    I have also found answer for women who gets raped and doesn't have evidence to prove. Islam gives justice to such women a step further than any of your 'liberal' courts. Where you cannot prove your case without evidence, Islam works even there.
    You are responded in the same blog. If you also didn't get its notification then inform me as in that case something would be getting wrong with its email setting.
    Its 6:28 am Pakistan time and I am taking a time off. But I will back during the day hours.. in roughly 8-10 hours from now.

    May your and min Allah produce some hunger for knowledge about Quran in your heart. I am still praying that if you have to, you would learn Quran before hating it.
    I have started a blog to discuss with you further.. Unless you are the one who "flee" stay on your shoes and prove your point, I am equally comfortable to learn and teach you over here or in the blog. If you are a Jew, stay put!

    But even if you flee.. I would know because Allah has told me about people like you in his book already.
    "I have responded to you in one clear sentence, Respect those weaker than you"

    At a stage you were so sure to "Delete all the Islamic Principles from the face of the Earth" and now you are slipping down to one point? Islam respects more to women than it offers this to man. If you are confusing yourself with people who are bad Muslims, then learn Islam doesn't exist in reverse order. Its the Book of God and Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad which is Islam.

    You are give example of worst followers, you portray them as if they were Exemplary Muslims? By the driving of bad driver you judge maker of the car? Are you sure this is the right way to go about?

    Get back to the topic and don't derail this discussion. I am still waiting for your alternates to the "problems" you faced in Quran. Common bring solution from your own religious books.. you may not know but I as a Muslim Identify your religious books. Let me learn what what wealth God has been hiding in them.
    Islam is not the relegion of male and Islam has offered equal rights and at many places more rights to women and more protection for them than it offered man. Just to mention a few

    -Equal rights to separate from her husband.
    -More respect and care for Mother than children (male/fmale) must offer to their father.
    -Right in the wealth of father and husband.
    -Women's wealth is not divided into any one by law, she can give only by her will while Man's wealth is divided by law and Mother, Wife, Daughters all receive those.
    -Equal Education and Social Status as compared to man.
    -Equal rights to choose their life-partner as men have. You cannot force any decision upon them.

    What is your source of learning by the way?? You know only few allegations on Islam which your websites tought you and Islam started with those and ended with those to you. Are you even aware of fundamentals of Islam?
    Islam is not the relegion of male and Islam has offered equal rights and at many places more rights to women and more protection for them than it offered man. Just to mention a few

    -Equal rights to separate from her husband.
    -More respect and care for Mother than children (male/fmale) must offer to their father.
    -Right in the wealth of father and husband.
    -Women's wealth is not divided into any one by law, she can give only by her will while Man's wealth is divided by law and Mother, Wife, Daughters all receive those.
    -Equal Education and Social Status as compared to man.
    -Equal rights to choose their life-partner as men have. You cannot force any decision upon them.

    What is your source of learning by the way?? You know only few allegations on Islam which your websites tought you and Islam started with those and ended with those to you. Are you even aware of fundamentals of Islam?
    "you wrap yourself in religion to justify you cowardliness"..

    compare it with

    "i am directly attacking Islamic laws. They are simply inhuman and need to be erased from this world".

    You are speaking about Islamic Laws and now running away to talk on them??? As God said you would "flee" and you did? No iPakMan.. I am not here to win or prove you false.. I am here to bring only one question in your mind.. "What is Islam". Study it and then you can well reject it but I know you never studied it the first place.

    We both worship the same God and we both must have courage to ponder the other side to see if they are right. I as a Muslim accept Prophet Moses PBUH, Prophet David PBUH, Prophet Jesus PBUH and acknowledge their books are genuine but got changed by followers. Here is the Last Message of God to Humanity and that is Quran. You may reject it but after reading only. Read it once.. Atleast once in your life. May your and mine God show you the right path!
    They can never harm you, beyond insulting you. If they fight you, they will turn around and flee. They can never win.

    You had raised questions.. I replied you and without replying back you flee. If you are at truth, defend your claims and bring alternates. You didn't even dared to reply my messages and now are trying to close discussion. True Quran said you can only insult but cannot stand against Quraan or the Message of God. I challenge you for the second time to stay put and bring alternates to the "Problems" and "Inhumanities" you found in Quran.
    They can never harm you, beyond insulting you. If they fight you, they will turn around and flee. They can never win.

    You had raised questions.. I replied you and without replying back you flee. If you are at truth, defend your claims and bring alternates. You didn't even dared to reply my messages and now are trying to close discussion. True Quran said you can only insult but cannot stand against Quraan or the Message of God. I challenge you for the second time to stay put and bring alternates to the Problems and Inhumanities you found in Quran.
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