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  • Salam bro, how are you? Good to see you back in the forum (or rather I've been visiting it less haha). What do you think of this news?

    I did not know that schools in Indonesia made it obligatory for every female student to wear Hijab? Shouldnt the govt ban forcing of Hijab on *non-Muslims* but kept it for Muslims? Need your expert insight haha
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    Reactions: Indos
    Yup. it is mandatory and it is even taught before kindergarden up until second semester in University. Talking about hijab culture I think yes, huge improvement going on after Soeharto regime is ended. Here is the situation inside Pondok Indah Mall, a Mall inside elite residential complex in South Jakarta.
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    It is in Bogor, a city next to Jakarta. It is more a representative snapshot of our people in general, not just elite class

    Amazing videos! Thanks for the share...now Imma search around more videos on Indonesia, Indonesian culture, food, and life etc :D
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    Reactions: Indos
    I am suspicious, @striver44 is Australian instead of Indonesian.
    I dont know him personally either, he is very pro USA and anti China and Iran and even Saudi in the same time.
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    Reactions: vi-va
    Totally agree.
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    Salam Indos. Is that the old Indos? I was not sure whether it was you as I do not recall you having that funny avatar. This is Al-Hasani. I returned after 1 year break due to being busy with life. Shame that many old users left and hardly any Arab users left and much trolling, unfortunately. How is life? Hopefully everything is good with you and you are making progress in life. Greetings.
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    Reactions: Indos
    Salam Al Hasani, yes it is me, LoL it is my own photo, how can you see my face as funny he he. I am glad you are back my friend. Yup, many old Arab members are left, on the other hand I see Indonesian members are growing. My life ? I am still focusing on my spirituality. I hope you are doing well in your life and improve relation with Ar-Rahman.
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