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  • MUHAMMAD SAW said that arab was not superior to a non Arab and white to a black.HE(SAW) believed that everyone were the sons of Hazrat ADAM.No one was superior to another on the basis of cast,color or creed. For him standard of superiority was piety.
    let me correct u mister karthic sri. There is no shia, sunnis,ahmadis, agha khanis in islam.Islam is the religion in which everyone prays one GOD(ALLAH) and believe that MUHAMMAD SAW is the profit of ALLAH and the greatest reformer of the world. We do not consider them Muslims who do not believe in these things.
    I'm not a Person which support the Mix of Religion and Politics, the reunited Muslim Superstate was a Joke.
    buddy....u claim that casteism is there much more in Hinduism...even if true Islam is not enjoting immunity from it either.U have to be in pakistan to see the feudal mindset even among muslims.
    Also if there r castes in Hinduism..there r the Shias,Sunnis,Ahmadis etc etc in Islam.
    So please refrain from making comments like Islam will wipe out casteism in India.
    enen in my hometown there r still separate kabarstans for high caste muslims and low caste muslims.
    Casteism is one that is in our blood..nd which can be eradicated only by Education ..not by religion.

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