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  • I truly appreciate your spirit because I share the same. I believe in "Love For All, Hatred For None". By the way, this documentary was made by me. If you would look at the end credits, you'll find my name, Khuram Usman Khalid. I was a team of two, Modasser Ahmad Zaki was the other guy. This was our idea. I was really glad to see my video here so I'll just like to request you to spread the message of peace as much as you can. Spread the spirit you have, to as many as possible. I can proudly say, Pakistan Zindabad and Jay Hind and the same for every other country in this world... Love and Peace to everyone!
    already there is enough hatred. an eye for an eye would make the whole world blind
    i just posted that video. i am not anti pakistan i am just pro india and that u can make out from rest of my posts. i dont have problem saying pakistan zindabad til it is not offensive to my own nation.
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