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  • wren and martin???..............I used to have it in school days!!!!

    Oh come on...........my grammar is not that bad

    You are funny sir.
    Dear solldier, if you might had read the comment fundamentalist , he tought that pic is of Maharaja .............

    its ur wish..............are you really a soldier????
    Dear Prometheus,

    I am quite sure that using Guru Gobind Singh Ji's picture as my avatar doesn't cause any disrespect to him. And for me he is both a religious as well as historical figure and I take pride in that.
    respected sir,
    just want to say that Your avtar is not suitable to be used on public forums.Plz dont mind, Historical figures would had been apreciated but Religious leaders ( That also of Guruji) seems little unconfortable.
    Hello Sir,

    Nice to see serving Indian Army Officer, I hope you share your good and bad experiences with us, your avatar photo is Ranjeet Sigh?

    Yahya Waraich
    nice to see you here sir i didnt realize you were active here just came across your profile today
    Same here.

    I don't believe they are registered here. I certainly haven't seen them around. Could always recommend they join.
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